Linus a’la Chuck?

Posted by Adam on 29 października, 2007
Absurd, Linux, Zabawne


Pamiętacie kawały o Chucku Norrisie? Niektóre były super, inne też były super… denne. Przeglądałem pewien blog i natrafiłem na podobne cytaty, ale dotyczące Linusa Torvaldsa (dla nie wiedzących twórcy jądra systemu Linux). Wybrałem najlepsze:

Linus Torvalds doesn’t die, he simply returns zero.

Linus can divide by zero.

Linus Torvalds runs Linux on his wristwatch and toster.

Linus Torvalds doesn’t receive error messages.

Linus Torvalds does not sleep. He hacks.

Linus surfs the web using nothing but netcat.

Linus Torvalds can play 3D games in his head by interpreting the source code in real-time.

Linus Torvalds didn’t learn from the University of Helsinki, the University of Helsinki learned from Linus Torvalds.

Linus doesn’t push the flush toilet button. He simply says „make clean”.

Linus Torvalds has no dependencies.

Linus Torvalds takes one look at your desktop and knows which porn sites you visited. In the last ten years.

There are no man pages for Linus Torvalds, only god pages.

Linus Torvalds can do an infinite loop in five seconds… in his head.

Linus Torvalds doesn’t need to mount his drives.

Linus Torvalds doesn’t debug. His programs are always perfect.

Linus Torvalds doesn’t need backups. He just uploads his files and lets the world mirror them.

Linus Torvalds is taking over the world. Microsoft is just a diversion so that no one would suspect a mild mannered Finnish programmer.

Linus Torvalds already has Linux 3.0. He is just keeping it to himself to build suspense.

Linus Torvalds didn’t design Linux to run on the 386. Intel designed the 386 to run Linux.

People pray to Jesus, but Jesus prays to Linus Torvalds.

Linus only has 2 buttons on his keyboard '1′ and '0′

ale wg mnie najlepsze:

Linus Torvalds is more powerful than root.

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